Fixing Service Error Code 79 on HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer

HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer

Facing service error 79 in your HP LaserJet Pro printer. Are you looking for the solution to fix Service error code 79 on your HP LaserJet pro 400 printer? Well, we can help you to get out of this issue. Service error in HP LaserJet is not a common issue. It happens rarely. Service error 79 pops up when a print job is corrupted due to some miscommunication between spooler and printer.

Causes of Error Code 79

Service error 79 occurs if there is a printing task that is scheduled and gets corrupted due to some miscommunication of printer and spooler. This problem can also arise due to outdated firmware or printers. That’s why it is quite important to update your printer firmware from time to time. The firmware updates are released by the company on their official website you can download and install. If the company releases any update for firmware  It will also pop up on your computer “reminding you to update your firmware. Some of the other causes of Service error 79 are slow internet speed, outdated printer drivers, corrupted drivers, or computer issues.

Methods for Fixing Service Error Code 79 on HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer

Method 1)

1.     Turn on your HP LaserJet pro 400 printer

2.     Connect your printer with the internet . The internet speed should be good. You can connect the Ethernet from your printer to your switch or router or modern

3.     Click on start menu, select control panel

4.     Now open the control panel

5.     After that from the listed options, hit the “Networks and Internet” tab.

6.     Check the IP address of the printer (which look something like

7.     If it shows an IP address, that means you are connected to your home network

8.     Now go back to your desktop screen

9.     Click on setting and Select HP LaserJet “Update & check”

10.   Download all the latest firmware updates from their official website.

11.  Reboot your HP LaserJet 400 printer, so that changes will be fully activated and we can make a fresh start.

1.    Confirm again, whether the issue is resolved or not if not follow other methods or you can get contact with HP technical support team. 

Method 2)

2.     Turn off your HP LaserJet Pro 400 printer.

3.     Remove all the print jobs from the main computer or other computer connected in a network with a printer

4.     Now in a domain network, go to see that’s printing and checks who owns the print job

5.     Log in to each of that account connected to the printer and remove that computer from the main domain.

6.     After that remove the HP LaserJet pro from the list of “Devices and printer” of the specific account

7.     Now add the printer in Devices and Printer to make a fresh start

8.     Now check whether the issue is resolved if not follow other methods or you can get contact with HP technical support team. They will help you to solve this issue.

Method 3)

1.     Turn off your printer, wait at least for 30 seconds, and turn the power on of your LaserJet pro 400 printer to wait for it to start.

2.     If you use surge protection, then remove it and plug the printer directly into the socket

3.     If Service error 79 still persist, then disconnect the USB cable & power cycle if the Printer return “Ready message”, check the firmware version and update it

4.     If the error still persists, you can contact the HP technical support team. They will help you to solve this issue.

In this post we explained about Service Error Code 79 on HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer, hopefully it is useful now we are discussed another problem which is related to the HP Printer click now for more info- Fixing Printing Blank Pages Issue On HP Printers

Error in Windows 7, 8 & 10

The issue has occurred due to faulty hardware or outdated firmware which can be corrected by updating firmware. This issue does not exist due to the version of windows. This problem also arises due to slow internet speed and outdated drivers which can be corrected manually. The solution mentioned above will work fine on every version of windows. The procedure to download and installing the drivers is almost the same in every version of windows.

Technical Support

HP printers provide various ways to connect with their customers via email, toll-free numbers, virtual chat, and solution center. You can opt for any of these services and can connect to the Technical support department. In the Technical support department, HP has very experienced and expert staff. They will assist your issues in a very simple and easy way. With their assistant, the user will not find any difficulty to resolve their issue. For more information