Why Does My Printer Print With Lines?

The inkjet printers are not as complex as the laser printers and hence there is very little that can go wrong with them. However, the inkjet printers come at a very cheap price and the biggest issue with them these days is the quality of the print that it offers. And the most common quality issue is the printing with lines.

Why Does-My-Printer Print-With-Lines

This could be printed with horizontal white lines which are running on each line of the printer. This is caused due to the clogged nozzle heads which render it impossible to dispense the ink. Changing the print head and the cartridge is the simplest solution to this problem but it might not be the best solution as the print head and cartridge are not due for replacement. How to go ahead then?

Cleaning the print head

The problem can be fixed by cleaning the print head with a cotton swab dipped with rubbing alcohol. Alcohol dissolves any ink that is built upon the print head causing the clog. After cleaning with the alcohol swab use a clean paper towel to wipe off the excess ink on the print head.

This cleaning procedure will differ with the different models of the printer. You may refer to the manufacturer’s manual or call us on our Printer Customer Assistance.