How do You Clean a Computer Printer?

It is very essential to clean your computer printer regularly so as to get good quality prints and keep the printer in a good position for a longer duration. Cleaning of a printer can be done differently depending on the different kinds of printers. So before starting the cleaning process, it is very essential to know the cleaning guidelines required for the model of the printer that you are using, however, there are some basic cleaning methods.

How-do-You- Clean-a-Computer- Printer

Let us find out below how to clean your computer printer:

  • Before starting, unplug the device so as to avoid any kind of electrical shock.
  • Wait for few minutes so as to cool the printer before starting cleaning.
  • First, remove the dust in and around the printer with a dry cloth. This should be done regularly to prevent dust buildup.
  • Next, you need to clean the delicate interior of the printer using a soft cloth damp with alcohol or winter cleaner or diluted vinegar. Clean the interior screen, the rubber blades on the ink cartridges carefully.
  • Take out the internal paper trays and clean them with a dry cloth.
  • Remove toner cartridge and place it on the piece of paper.
  • Take a brush (if supplied with the printer) or clean cloth to clean the toner cavity.
  • Clear the spilled toner of the cartridge and wipe off the dust.
  • Remove the paper fragments too inside the device.
  • Rollers also need to be cleaned
  • Replace toner cartridge if required
  • You also need to clean the printer’s exterior using a damp soft cloth. Wipe it dry.
  • After cleaning the interior, clean the print head. This you can do automatically. However, different computer models have different ways of cleaning the print heads. So follow instructions as given in the manual or the official website of the printer model.
  • It is also necessary to run a nozzle check to clear clogged ink.
  • Repeat the process if proper cleaning is not done.

Need assistance with your computer printer cleaning?

We have a team of Printer Support experts to deal with all computer related problems. Let us help you with your computer cleaning so as to make your printer function smoothly.

Scope of services

  • 24 hours available
  • Expert professional team
  • Regular maintenance and cleaning services at affordable rates