Do Print Cartridges Dry Out In The Printer?

Inkjet printer cartridges are the first thing that gets dried out in making the printer unusable. There are various reasons due to which the ink cartridge of a printer gets dried out. Here are the few reasons listed out which are the common causes for the ink cartridge to dry out.

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Reasons why print cartridges dry out:

  1. Storing the print cartridges at the wrong temperature.

One of the most common reasons why the print cartridges dry out is storing them at the wrong temperature. Print cartridges need to be stored at a room temperature. Storing them at extremely high or low temperature would leave them unusable.

  1. Refilling the cartridges

Refilling the printer cartridges is an affordable option but is not at all easy. One has to be very careful and it can be best done with professional help. If the task is not carried out properly then air might creep in the cartridge resulting in the blockage of nozzles as well as drying out the ink. Though refilling is a cheaper option it is not at all recommended.

  1. Dirty cartridge head

For efficient printing, the printer heads should be cleaned regularly. If the printer head is not clean, then it would result in streaky unclear prints as the ink will dry up in the head and in long run will dry up the cartridge completely.

The aforesaid are the common reasons for printer cartridges to dry out. If you are facing any trouble with your printer cartridges, reach us via email.

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